Before embarking on a genealogy or history research project, it’s important to set goals and consider the factors that could impact your work.
Set Your History Research Goals
Set a few goals to direct your genealogy or history research. Ask yourself these questions:
What do I hope to accomplish or learn from this project or work?
What are the broad research questions I hope to answer?
What are the specific research questions I hope to answer?
Is there a deadline for completing any component of this research? For example, an upcoming family reunion or other celebration might inspire research.
What am I hoping to do with my compiled research? Ideas include donating research materials and results to a local history organization, publishing your findings in a book or on a website, uploading research to a genealogy website, or compiling your research into a book or other giftable item.
Need a little help setting your goals? I offer short coaching sessions to get you on the right path.
Consider Factors That Might Influence Your Research
Think ahead! These questions will help you anticipate factors that could help or hinder your genealogy or history research.
Has anyone else conducted this research such as a family member or community historian and, if so, is it possible to access their work? Gather names and contact information.
Who else might want to be involved in this research? Think about other family or community members. Gather names and contact information.
Are there questions or research areas you would prefer to avoid?Â
What do I already know about my research focus and how much of this information is verifiable?Â
What is my budget for this project? Expenses might include photocopies, archival supplies (boxes, folders), hardware or software, a subscription to a genealogy database or service, travel expenses or a consultant’s fee.
How much time do I have to devote to this research? Is my time commitment flexible or restricted to certain seasons, days of the week, etc.?
Once you get solid on your goals, it’s much easier to build a plan! These are also really great questions to ponder before contacting a research consultant for additional support. It’s likely they’ll ask you some of these same questions.
Tobias History Research is a premier provider of history research and archives management services. With 20+ years of professional experience, founder Vicki Tobias helps clients expertly discover their history and enthusiastically share their story. Learn more about her services.